FAQ and Reviews


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What meals are provided?
There are dinners promptly at 6:30pm every day and brunches at 11:30am on the weekends. For other meals, you’re free to eat leftovers and cook in our enormous kitchen with our plentiful supply of ingredients! Freshly baked bread and desserts are also frequently to be found.


What are the responsibilities of a 2D member?
Each 2Denizen (or ‘artichoke’) has a weekly dinner or brunch cookshift (for dinner, this means cooking from 4:30-6:30pm and cleaning from 7:15-8pm), as well as a chore (like granola maker or towel washer) that takes at least an hour a week. 2D doesn’t have a hierarchical structure, so everyone is involved in making important decisions for the co-op.


Do I need to be vegetarian to be in 2D?
You don’t! Meat is not allowed in the common spaces, but what you do outside is nobody’s business. Half of our members are not vegetarian and enjoy our delicious food.


Do I have to know how to cook to join?
Nope! Being in 2D is a great way to improve your cooking skills. Each cookshift has 5-6 people on it, so there’ll be people to work with and ask for help.


Does 2D accommodate dietary restrictions beyond vegetarianism?
Yes! All dishes are labeled (vegan, gluten-free, kosher, etc.) depending on the needs of the co-op membership, and cooks try to make enough dishes for everyone. This includes accommodating members with food allergies.


How does the wait-list work?
2D has ~50 members. Every semester, we fill the co-op to capacity using a lottery system: people will be randomly drawn from the entire the wait-list.


How can I increase my chances of getting in?
One way to increase your chances of joining 2d is to also enter the 2d housing draw. It also helps a lot if you are flexible in when you are able to join. Sometimes we will need to fill spots in the middle of the semester, and will email out to a lot of people on the waitlist before we can fill them.




When you’re choosing classes, you get to read course reviews. Here are some reviews of 2D written by anonymous artichokes:


“Joining 2D has been one of the best decisions I have made at Princeton. Not only does the food live up to my expectations, but I have also found an amazing community at 2D, and it is such a privilege and joy to be able to make and share food with such a loving and fun group of people.”

“Best decision I’ve ever made. 2D is the reason I smile during the semester.”

“Joined because I was a vegetarian, and stuck around for the amazing community.”

“Co-ops are the cheapest dining option, and of all the co-ops, 2D has the best kitchen. Joining was the smartest thing I’ve done here at Princeton. The food is great, and the community is even better.”

“The biggest bonus for me has been meeting so many new people from across campus that I would not have known otherwise. There’s fifty people here with a diverse range of opinions on everything, and dinner conversations have always been lively, especially when we’re all squished around a little table of love. ”

2D is one of the defining factors that made my experience at Princeton a positive one.”

“I joined because I love cooking, and I wanted a place to hang out with new friends without spending big bucks at an eating club. It was the best decision. I’ve met so many wonderful people, learned to cook so many new dishes, have eaten some of the best food…”

“I have met some of the most interesting, wonderful, caring, compassionate, and often ridiculous people at Princeton at 2D, which is pretty awesome. Also, the access to midnight cereal is pretty great.’

“It’s great being able to eat dinner with a huge group of friends every night. ”

“I love the close community, the delicious healthy food, and the chance to do a creative task (cooking!) with friends.”

2D feels like another place to come home to at the end of the day … Everyone is so real and quirky and wonderful – I never have a boring conversation with anyone. Small talk basically doesn’t exist. Plus homemade desserts all the time – apple pie, banana bread, cookies on cookies on cookies.”

2D is a way to take responsibility for yourself as a human adult and be a member of a community that solves problems together. It’s one of the few places at Princeton where you actually have to do things for yourself, so you feel like a real agent.”

“The worst part about 2D is that you have to leave 2D when you graduate.”